1 The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf

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The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf

Written by Mark Teague

Illustrated by Mark Teague

Reviewed by Alanna S. (age 8)

The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf

This book is about three little pigs and the somewhat bad wolf. The three little pigs tell each other what they want to buy. They said they wanted to buy potato chips, soda- pop, and building supplies. The three little pigs began building their houses. The first pig began building a straw house. Then the second pig began building a stick house, and the third pig started building a brick house. After the first two houses were finished, they ate their chips and drank their soda-pop. The brick house took the longest to build. After the brick house was finished, the third pig was very happy. Then, a wolf came to town. If you want to find out what happens when the wolf comes to town, then be sure to read this book.

I like this story because the pigs build their own houses. I also like the part when the farmer gives them the money for their hard work. I think the brick house is the best house because it is made of bricks.

I think first, second, and third graders would like this book because it is a lot like the other version of the “Three Little Pigs” but it is different too.