1 Mirette on the High Wire

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Mirette on the High Wire

Written by Emily McCully

Reviewed by Victoria C (age 8)

Mirette on the High Wire

“Knock” someone was at the door. Mirette’s mother went to answer the door. It was a man named Bellini he asked if he could stay at Mirette`s mothers house for retired people and people traveling. Bellini said he would stay until he was ready to leave, and he did stay until he was ready to leave. Bellini is a high-wire walker and Mirette discovers his talent. If you would like to know what else Mirette discovers about Bellini and the adventures that that place, read this book!

Mirette on the High Wire is an incredible book because it is so interesting and I never wanted to stop reading it. This book has beautiful illustrations that almost look realistic. And each picture is very detailed and colorful. The pictures can really tell what is going on in the story. My favorite part, thing about this book is that Bellini was scared to go on a high-wire. But he went on for Mirette. I liked what Bellini did because he did something he was scared to do, but he did it for Mirette. In this book you will learn that you should never give up on your dreams.

I highly recommend this book to second graders and older children. I also recommend this book to families that love the circus and love acrobats. This is a very good book for little kids that love picture books. I think this book should get 10 out of 10 stars!