1 Sisters

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Raina Telgemeier

Illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Reviewed by GhitaA (age 9)


Rania and Amara on an incredible van trip but it is not always fun... Rania is going on a one week car drive and her little sister Amara is going as well. Amara and Rania Hate each other. But the problem with Amara is she loves snakes so she got one. But Raina on the other side HATES snakes. Because when she was young something big happened with Snakes VS Rania. At least the snake is in his cage but not for long... Read sisters to find out what happens!

I like this story because it has so much drama, action, and funny things. There are not only two sisters, but also a little brother. He comes in in the middle of the story. His name is Will. I think he's five/four/six. And also can you imagine? Three kids, one mom, TAN TAN TAAAAN.........

I recommend this book to kids because it is an interesting drama and it makes you want to read more. It is also a graphic novel so it is easier for kids my age for example. The fact that it is based on a true story makes you want to read it. It is fun and interesting. I'm not saying only kids can read it, but also teenagers or adults.