1 Dog Man Twenty-Thousand Fleas Under the Sea

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Dog Man Twenty-Thousand Fleas Under the Sea

Written by Dav Pilkey

Illustrated by Dav Pilkey

Reviewed by Shemsy S. (age 9)

Dog Man Twenty-Thousand Fleas Under the Sea

Piggy and his group are villains. Obviously, as villains, they were planning to do something mischievous. Well, there is a tiny little problem with the group... EVERYONE except one person (piggy the leader of the group) wanted to be heroes and not villains! That made Piggy mad so he decided to RUIN the whole group's life! If you want to know how READ THE BOOK!

I like this story because it teaches you a lesson. I'm a pretty bad kid at home but this book teaches me to do good things instead of not following the rules I'm supposed to follow. It also makes me feel better when I'm sad because it is very hilarious to me! For example, Petey told Little-Petey "NO PLAYING!" and then Molly came to Little-Petey and said "wanna play?" and Little-Petey said "Yeah!" and that made Petey MAD!

I recommend this book because there is a moral. The moral of the story is that you should let the past be the past. For example, Petey used to be a villain in jail but he changed and now he is a good guy.