1 Ramona Quimby, Age 8

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Written by Beverly Cleary

Illustrated by Alan Tiegreen

Reviewed by Zahra Y. (age 10)

Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Ramona Quimby is a really mature girl who goes to Cedarhurst Primary School. She is so excited but she doesn't know what is waiting for her at school. Third grade doesn't turn out the way Ramona expected it.

I love this book so much!! It has so many interesting and funny parts. If you like having fun you are definitely going to enjoy this book because of how many fun parts, and interesting parts are in the story. When I read this book I felt like this story is reality because of how realistic they make it seem.

I recommend this story because it's an interesting book for kids and I never want to stop reading this story. I'm 100% sure that everyone on earth who reads this story will love it. If you are not a book lover before reading this story then trust me you will become a book lover. I was already a book lover before this story but now I love reading even more. This is how good this book is. This book also teaches me how to read better and to write better, so it's not only a fun book it's also a book that taught me a lot. I definitely recommend this book.