1 Dog Man

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Dog Man

Written by Dav Pilkey

Illustrated by Dav Pilkey

Reviewed by Othman G. (age 8)

Have you ever got annoyed by something or someone? Dog Man, the character of this story did. Dog Man is a dog combined with a man. He is really funny. He is trying to stop a mad scientist. The mad scientist puts robot balls all over the city. The robots steal everything! The more balls he throws, the more things get stolen. Read Dog Man For Whom The Balls Roll to discover what happens next.

In my opinion, this Dog Man book is really good and so funny. I love reading comedy books. It is also so good because you can read it with your parents. I like how you can use your thumb and flip the pages to make an animation. I recommend this book to kids between the ages of 4-12 because I am 9 years old and I love reading books. Please read this book. It is so funny and you can read this to your sibling or your parents.