1 Judy Moody Gets Famous!

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Judy Moody Gets Famous!

Written by Megan McDonald

Illustrated by Peter Reynolds

Reviewed by HB (age 8)

Judy Moody Gets Famous!

Judy Moody Gets Famous is an interesting book. In the beginning of the book, Judy walks into class. She sees Jessica Finch wearing a crown. So, Judy walks up to her and says, "Where did you get that crown?" It was too late to say anything because the class was about to start! When all the classes were over, it was time to go home. Judy sat down in the kitchen on a chair. Judy was jealous that Jessica was wearing a crown in school. So, Judy signed up for a contest where the person with an animal who did the best trick wins. If she won, she would get something better that just a crown. She would be famous! She brought her brother, Stink, and her cat mouse. She won second place. Her picture was put into the newspaper, and she was really happy. When the contest was over, Judy and some friends came over to her house. Judy thought of a contest where they would tie all of their shoe laces together and see who can stand up the longest. It was hard. Judy and Frank were the last ones up, but at that last second, Frank fell down on the grass and broke his finger. Judy ran as fast as she could to get her mom. Frank's mom went to the hospital and got the doctor who said that Frank broke his finger! Judy won again, but will Frank be ok?

I enjoyed reading this book. A reason why I liked this book is because it is funny. Judy can fix a Barbie doll and no one else can. I enjoyed this book the most because I love sad stories. A girl had cancer and I think that is very sad. Although it's sad, it also made me happy. When I found out that Frank was fine after breaking his finger, I felt relieved. These are all the reasons why I enjoyed reading this book!

I enjoyed the illustrations in this book. I liked the illustrations because they look so real. Another reason why I liked them is because when you look at them you imagine you are in them. The last reason why I liked the illustrations is that some pictures make me laugh! I know if you saw these pictures you would crack up like a homerun makes you want to cheer!

This book is for readers of all ages to enjoy. If you like funny books, this book is just for you.! It doesn't matter who you are, just pick up this book and just read! I hope this encourages you to read a lot more!