1 Ruby in her own time

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Ruby in her own time

Written by jonathan emmett

Illustrated by rebecca harry

Reviewed by Sarah C. (age 6)

Ruby in her own time

This book is about a duck named Ruby. She is the last ducky to do anything, like eat, fly, and hatch out of her egg. The daddy duck is worried about her and he wants her to do everything just like her brother's and sister's. But the mommy duck keeps saying, she will learn "in her own time". That means she will learn when she is ready.

The author is trying to teach us that Ruby needs to take her time, and sometimes people need to take their time so they can do things really well.

My favorite character is Ruby because she never gives up, and she keeps on learning what she needs to do. My favorite part is when she learns how to fly, because she does it beautifully and she does it the best.

This book reminds me of school. Sometimes kids take a long time to do something, and that's ok. Some people need to take their time. It is taking me a long time to learn how to jump rope, but my friend Devanee already knows how. I think it's ok, becasue just like Ruby I will learn when I am ready.

I think everyone should read this book, especially if you are learning how to do something. It's a really awesome story. I think that mommy's and daddy's should read this book with their kids, because they have to take their time doing things too.